B e n e f i t s U S A
12444 Powerscourt Dr, Suite 500A, St Louis, MO 63131 support@benefits-usa.com

Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Benefit

The cascading effects of death or serious injury due to an accident are devastating on so many levels, including financial. The loss of income plus the cost of medical care that is not covered by health insurance could add up to a nearly insurmountable burden.

The Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) provides added coverage for death, severe injury, or other conditions resulting from an accident.

With the Premium or Platinum Membership a $25,000 AD&D benefit is included as part of your membership dues.

Fortunately, Benefits USA can help you to safeguard against the financial risk associated with death or dismemberment due to accidents. IBAPA can offer their members AD&D Insurance coverage at competitive group rates, issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America (Prudential).

Choose one of our membership plans which includes AD&D coverage of $25,000.

Schedule of Benefits:

Principal Sum - Member  $25,000
Loss: which occurs within 365 days of accident:  % of Principal Sum
Loss of Life  100%
Loss of the Entire Sight of Both Eyes  100%
Loss of Speech and Hearing  100%
Loss of Both Hands or Both Feet  100%
Loss of One Hand and One Foot  100%
Loss of One Hand or One Foot and Sight of One Eye  100%
Quadriplegia  100%
Triplegia  75%
Loss of One Arm or One Leg(by severance, above the elbow or above the knee)  75%
Paraplegia  75%
Loss of Sight of One Eye  50%
Loss of Speech  50%
Loss of Hearing in Both Ears  50%
Loss of One Hand or One Foot  50%
Hemiplegia  50%
Uniplegia  25%
Loss of Thumb & Index Finger of Same Hand  25%
Loss of Four Fingers of the Same Hand  25%
Loss of Hearing in One Ear  25%
Loss of All Toes on One Foot  13%
Loss of Big Toe  5%
Loss of Use* (which occurs within 365 days of accident) of One Hand [or One Foot/or One Arm/ or One Leg]  25%
Coma  The lesser of 2% per month and $1,000 up to 100 months; after 100 months a lump sum equal to 100% of the Amount of Insurance minus the amount already paid for Coma.
Exposure and Disappearance "Benefit"**  % of Principal sum consistent with type of loss

*Loss of Use: The total and permanent loss of function.

**For the purposes of the Coverage: (1) Exposure to the Elements will be considered an accidental bodily Injury. Exposure to the Elements means exposure to severe hot or cold weather that results in actual significant physical injury including sun stroke, heat stroke and frostbite. (2) It will be presumed that the person has suffered a Loss of life if the person's body has not been found within one year of disappearance, stranding, sinking or wrecking of any vehicle in which the person was an occupant. No more than your Amount of Insurance under this Coverage at the time of the accident will be paid for all Losses resulting from Injuries sustained in that accident. Not all such Losses are covered. See Losses Not Covered below.


  • Seat belt and air bag benefit offers additional payment amount if insured dies while riding in a car equipped with air bags, wearing a properly used seat belt.
  • Special circumstance provisions are available that cover loss due to coma, exposure and disappearance, felonious assault, and spouse/domestic partner joint death.
  • Benefits covering spouse or child tuition reimbursement, day care expenses, and surviving spouse payment, which support financial wellness for dependents, are also available, in addition to other additional benefits as shown in the samples below.

A Loss is not covered if it results from any of these:

  1. Suicide or attempted suicide, while sane or insane.
  2. Intentionally self-inflicted Injuries, or any attempt to inflict such Injuries.
  3. Sickness, whether the Loss results directly or indirectly from the Sickness.
  4. Medical or surgical treatment of Sickness, whether the Loss results directly or indirectly from the treatment.
  5. Any bacterial or viral infection. But this does not include:
    1. a pyogenic infection resulting from an accidental cut or wound; or
    2. a bacterial infection resulting from accidental ingestion of a contaminated substance.
  6. Taking part in any riot or insurrection.
  7. War, or any act of war, except as provided by the War Risk Hazard provision. War means declared or undeclared war, and includes resistance to armed aggression. Terrorism is not considered an act of war. Terrorism means the deliberate use of violence or the threat of violence against civilians to create an emotional response through the suffering of victims or to achieve military, political, religious or social objectives.
  8. An accident that occurs while the person is serving on full-time active duty for more than 30 days in any armed forces. But this does not include Reserve or National Guard active duty for training.
  9. Travel or flight in any vehicle used for aerial navigation, except as provided by any Hazard provision, if any of these apply:
    1. the person is riding as a passenger in any aircraft not intended or licensed for the transportation of passengers;
    2. the person is riding as a passenger in an aircraft owned, operated, controlled or leased by or on behalf of the Contract Holder or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates. This includes getting in, out, on or off any such vehicle.
  10. Commission of or attempt to commit an assault or a felony.
  11. Being under the influence of alcohol or alcohol intoxication, including but not limited to having a blood alcohol level above the limit for permissible operation of a motor vehicle in the jurisdiction where the Loss occurred, regardless of whether the person:
    1. was operating a motor vehicle; and
    2. was convicted of an alcohol related offense.
  12. Being under the influence of or taking any non-prescription drug, medication, narcotic, stimulant, hallucinogen, barbiturate, amphetamine, gas, fumes or inhalants, poison or any other controlled substance as defined in Title II of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, as now or hereafter amended, unless prescribed by and administered in accordance with the advice of the insured's Doctor.
  13. Participation in these hazardous sports: scuba diving; bungee jumping; base jumping, skydiving; ziplining, parachuting; hang gliding; paragliding; paramotoring; parascending; or ballooning.

Disclaimers, Disclosures, and Terms

Not for residents of Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Maine, Maryland, Montana , New Hampshire, North Carolina, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia

Not for use in Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Maine, Maryland, Montana , New Hampshire, North Carolina, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia

This site may contain marketing language, on products issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, that has not yet been approved in all states.

The products issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America may not be available in all states.

This policy provides ACCIDENT insurance only. It does NOT provide basic hospital, basic medical, or major medical insurance as defined by the New York State Department of Financial Services.

Prudential, the Prudential logo, and the Rock Symbol are service marks of Prudential Financial, Inc., and its related entities, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.

This Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage is not health insurance coverage (often referred to as “Major Medical Coverage”).

This type of plan is NOT considered “minimum essential coverage” under the Affordable Care Act and therefore does NOT satisfy the individual mandate that you have health insurance coverage.

Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, a Prudential Financial company, Newark, NJ. The Booklet-Certificate contains all details, including any policy exclusions, limitations, and restrictions, which may apply. California COA #1179, NAIC #68241. Contract Series: 83500.
